Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings
Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings 

Statement from the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee (AEDRMC) and the Stop the Maangamizi! We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign regarding organising of 1st Mosiah 2024.


Greetings family, supporters and attendees of the Afrikan Emancipation Day Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings


We write to inform you that as much as we are immensely proud of our achievements over the last 10 years, the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee has taken a decision to dissolve the organisation as of 1st Mosiah 2024. Whilst the Stop the Maangamizi We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign (SMWeCGEC) will continue its work at a national and international level, given the nature of the partnership between AEDRMC and SMWeCGEC, it has also decided to step back from its core roles on the day.


The SMWeCGEC, will continue, as written into its core campaign aims, to facilitate Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings in other spaces and other dates during the coming years. As a core part of the strategic development of the 1st Mosiah, the Campaign is open to provide strategic advice and guidance to those who aim to work towards the continuation of the day, and in whole or part, support the aims of the Stop the Maangamizi We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign, as we believe this day should continue to be about something greater than just the day.


 The last 10 years have not been easy. We have reflected and are looking towards the next 10 years which requires greater tangible commitments to increase capacity/output to fulfill our part as a contribution to the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR). We also cannot be doing the same thing for the next decade and expecting a different result. A new energy is required (with the strategic guidance of the Stop the Maangamizi We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign if required), so that we can move forward with new vigour, innovative approaches and greater capacity to facilitate Maangamizi counteraction and build power as a necessary step towards securing reparatory justice.


As we continue to reflect, we encourage those who attended/supported the Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion groundings to do the same. In the spirit of Ubuntu and Ma’at we all bear a measure of responsibility for what we achieve and what we could have done differently or better. Critical analysis, study and tangible actions are all necessary parts to the whole of our success and with the guidance of our Ancestors, will identify where we as a people, should go next. We continue this journey of active Sankofa as all committee members will be part of other Afrikan reparatory justice structures that they have chosen to engage with, so former AEDRMC members and current SMWeCGEC members will be supporting in some form remotely, on the ground on the day and in the background, if required. We do not rest!


To mark this 10-year milestone the AEDRMC and the SMWeCGEC will be launching commemorative materials through a range of media leading up to and on 1st Mosiah 2024 and beyond, at Windrush Square and via social media.

We trust that our Ancestors will guide the new organisers of 1st Mosiah so that it is a positive, memorable, powerful and engaging day – but we must remember to take action the other 364 days of the year lest this annual gathering will not be able to achieve something tangible and impactful beyond the day itself.

If you are interested in being part of the organizing for 2024 and would like some advice and guidance regarding operations and logistics, please email Please note that we do not have the capacity to deal with general public enquiries via phone calls but messages can be texted via Whatsapp to 07922035446 . We ask for your patience in waiting for a reply.


In closing, we trust that you will continue to support the Stop the Maangamizi We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign and its key goals and milestones within the Stop The Maangamizi Petition and the wider work which can be found on


In Service

Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee &

The Stop the Maangamizi! We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign


29th June 2024


What We Are Demanding: 

Despite the establishment of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Afrikan Reparations (APPGAR) in 2021, We are not yet being officially heard in our demand for the UK government to establish the All Party Parliamentry Commission of Inquiry for Truth and Reparatory Justice (APPCITARJ) to commit to holistic reparations, taking into consideration, various proposals for reparations in accordance with the UN guidelines and principles on a right to a remedy and reparations as being called for by the Stop the Maangamizi We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign.


The terms of reference for the APPCITARJ should be to study the impact of UK's transatlantic trafficking in enslaved Afrikans (TTEA), on social, political and economic life within the UK and the rest of the world in order to begin to understand the legacies of enslavement on individuals, communities and the society we live in and commence a dialogue on how to address them which go further than a symbolic apology. The APPCITARJ's work should be of a participatory nature, calling for submissions from all those with knowledge and experience of the impacts of enslavement and colonialism. This will aim to include, but not be limited to, testimony from individuals, organisations, communities, Nations and academics, affected communities and individuals who must have their own voice, agency and self-determined solutions to securing reparatory justice. Steps must be taken to facilitate their participation in any reparatory process in which the UK state, government and society are engaged.




The 2023 Programme & March Route

Statement from the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee regarding allegations aired on Galaxy Radio Sunday 7th Mosiah 2022.

Statement from the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee regarding allegations aired on Galaxy Radio Sunday 7th Mosiah 2022.


The Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee (AEDRMC) are aware of statements and allegations made against them by Empress Judah to Galaxy Radio during the shows of Prophet Kwaku and Nana Pa Kombrabia on Sunday 7th Mosiah (Aug) 2022.


The AEDRMC were called sell outs and liberals after the said caller had attributed images displayed on the day, to the AEDRMC.


It is worth noting at this point that the purpose of the 1st Mosiah is, amongst other things (as stated on our website for several years), an opportunity for different organisations and entities to showcase the reparatory justice work they have been carrying out throughout the year. This is done through images, banners and various speeches and interactions on the main stages at Max Roach Park and Windrush Square. It is also worth reminding ones that 1st Mosiah 2022 had 3 organising entities, with the third party GARFOL (Glocal Afrikan Reparations Forum of London) coming on board this year to work with the AEDRMC and the Stop the Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide! Campaign. It would have been prudent to check out the source of such images on the day and we understand that Prophet Kwaku suggested to the individual to do so. This did not happen despite the said person exchanging greetings with the co-chair sis Jendayi during the day and sis Jendayi’s obvious accessibility as co-compere and stage manager on the day on Windrush Square.


So we are very concerned that the said individual then decided to use Galaxy Radio as a platform the slander the AEDRMC, virtually unchallenged. We regret that just like on 1st Mosiah, rather than assuming this work is the work of the committee, that basic questions were not asked such as: ‘Who put these images there?’ and ‘Did you approach any of the AEDRMC on the day to get any clarification?’.  This would have greatly impacted the course of the dialogue which occurred across two back-to-back shows. We have not been offered any right of reply and this is regrettable as we know GalaxyAfiWe remain great supporters of the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) and actively promote 1st Mosiah all year round.


To clarify, the AEDRMC had no idea what images Empress Judah was referring to as they did not put them there. Part of her comments were that she had written to various organisations to hold a reparations conference to address issues on 1st Mosiah. Those who wish to hold a conference on this basis are free to do so but we must also make it clear that members of the AEDRMC would not attend on such a premise. It is disheartening to know that what is perceived as the negatives about the 1st Mosiah would motivate ones to hold a conference when we are experiencing a global genocide and ecological crisis and we are experiencing pushback year on year on the Stop the Maangamizi Campaign’s calls for an All-Party Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry for Truth and Reparatory Justice (APPCITARJ) as an administrative mechanism which will make recommendations on the implementation of reparations policies, programmes and initiatives; a campaign goal which is contained within the text of the Stop the Maangamizi petition and which not enough of our people who are advocating for reparations are actually reading, let alone signing it!. We tend to find it more satisfying to berate each other than make a stand and contest the system of white domination. This we suggest, should be more of a concern to our people who should be frustrated and impatient with the lack of progress those who are calling for reparations are making in having their voices heard and acted upon by the British State and other imperial powers and be concerned more with power-building, nation building, research and policy development around our shared desire to secure holistic reparations. If indeed it is a shared desire!


We end with a call to those who wish to move from rhetoric, complaining, distracting, undermining and public attention seeking to constructively engage with those who are making tangible contributions to the ISMAR. We humbly advise those who wish to go ahead with planning a reparations conference to address their dissatisfaction with the Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings which takes place on the1st Mosiah, to consider in great detail the work of the Stop the Maangamizi Campaign, The Pan-Afrikan Reparation Coalition in Europe (PARCOE), The International Network of Scholar Activists for Afrikan Reparations (INOSAAR), the Glocal Afrikan Reparations Forum of London (GARFOL), The Global Afrikan Congress (GAC), The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Afrikan Reparations (APPGAR) and the Maatubuntumitawo-GAFRIC and Afrikan ConneXions Consortium, both seeded by the Global Afrikan Peoples Parliament (GAPP), so you are not reinventing any wheels and learning from paths that has been carved out over decades in this movement. 


It is also important to fully overstand the specific role and contributions of structures like the Extinction Rebellion Internationalist Solidarity Network (XRISN), co-founded by long-established Afrikan Reparationists to building the Peoples Reparations International Movement (PRIM) which is an essential support base for harnessing the people power to effect and secure holistic reparations that the ISMAR is seeking to enforce by through our own Afrikan peoples’ power.


With the intentions of Ma’at,


The Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee


Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations Rebellion Groundings 1st Mosiah 2022 - Windrush Sq and Max Roach Park

Get Ready for the Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings (PARRG) 2022!


The main purpose of the PARRG is to showcase our Afrikan Heritage Communities Self-Repairs initiatives locally, nationally, and internationally and to demonstrate that the achievement of Maatubuntuman in Ubuntudunia (Our future Nation borne from a liberation fight resulting in global justice and a repaired planet for all), as an overarching strategic goal of our Pan-Afrikan Reparations for Global justice organising efforts, IS possible!!


Only When We Become Powerful Will We Become Again A Global Nation Worthy of Respect! Therefore our Community Self -repairs efforts are as important as holding Maangamizi perpetrating criminals to account! Self - Repair and Securing Reparatory Justice are equally important and must be done together and involve us all who identify as Afrikan and seek National Self -Determination. 


1st Mosiah is about showcasing both these dimensions of our quests for Justice - not just in the UK but internationally. 1st Mosiah is about you making a commitment to becoming more involved  in this work throughout the year, not just the one day. So reach out to us, let's get the work going in your city, region, borough and country. 






Theme 2022 - Sankofaagro!

'Sankoffaagro: Edutainmanent in our Reparatory Jusitce Preparations for Planet Repairs'


This year's theme is centred on the many ways we will showcase our works, key messages and achievements. This has been formulated by an intergenerational planning team of young people and adults and will demonstrate the local and global (glocal) movement building work whilst expressing our need to do more! Sankofaagro is not a call to be entertained but is a way of making a call to action to our young people who we must nurture to continue this work.


The theme is a compound of 2 words in twi and ewe languages in West Afrikan: Sankofa - Go back and fetch it (Twi) and Agro Play/Entertain (Ewe)



Programme for the day 1st Mosiah 2022

To view the programme for  Max Roach Park and Windrush Square visit our Reparations March tab in the menu at the top of the page. The Programme also includes a march from Max Roach Park to Windrush Square.


Key Activities and Achievements of the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations


Key Activities and Achievements of SMWeCGEC in building the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) & the Peoples Reparations International Movement (PRIM)


The best way to keep abreast of the activities and achievements of the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) is to be part of it!

We will not get a sense of the totality of the work just by turning up for one day and then lamenting the lack of numbers or vibes on the day. The UK has always had a Pan-Afrikan approach to this grassroots movement which means fighting for our power base Afrika and her Diaspora wherever we are. We cannot be concerned just with our people in the UK, a mere 3% of the UK population. Neither can we not connect our quest for reparatory, environmental and cognitive justice (referred to collectively as Planet Repairs) to our homeland and power base Afrika from which much or the resources that prop up the greedy inhumane global north, come from. So, it is necessary to have a glocal (local and global) approach which our campaign partner, the Stop the Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide! Campaign (SMWeCGEC) and her affiliated structures has been concerned with.

Securing Planet Repairs requires us to use all methods at our disposal including, legal, political, parliamentary, social, economic and revolutionary means. It has meant taking our fight into hostile institutional spaces, educational institutions, community spaces, social media spaces and taking up space on the streets. It has meant numerous public speaking and media appearances, international travel (Europe, Abya Yala and Afrika), attending public meetings and making representations, creating and disseminating our own messages and challenging power structures on their own turf. This you will not see just by turning up on 1st Mosiah and cannot be achieved just by Afrikan Heritage People talking amongst themselves! There is a need to hold perpetrators to account (the external dimension of reparations) AND challenge ourselves to be the reparatory justice change-makers we are seeking (the internal dimension often referred to as community self-repairs).


Since the first Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March in 2014 the SMWeCGEC has:

• Collected over 20,000 signatures for the Stop the Maangamizi petition which calls for an All-Party Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry for Truth and Reparatory Justice into the LEGACIES of Afrikan enslavement, colonisation and neocolonialism. Have you read and signed it? Click here to read and sign it


• Co facilitated with the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee, several reparations awareness and orientation workshops and public meetings around the UK


• Through working as part of the Europe NGO Consultative Council for Afrikan Reparations (ENGOCCAR) has a version of the petition for lodging at the European Parliament and had it translated into Dutch, French and German.


• Contributed to establishing an Afrikan Reparations Transnational Community of Practice for Action-Learning about Reparations (ARTCoP).

• Through the Pan-Afrikan Reparations Coalition of Europe (PARCOE) developed a critical analysis of the CARICOM Reparations Initiative.


• In association with PARCOE and the Global Afrikan Peoples Parliament developed a position on the CARICOM Reparations Initiative alternative approach to reparations.


• Convened a meeting with UK based reparations activists of International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) to interface with the CARICOM Reparations initiatives of the Jamaican National Council on Reparations regarding how best to jointly work together recognising differences in our respective reparations strategies and tactics.


• Have raised awareness, popularised and increased public recognition of key concepts and knowledge produced by the ISMAR including: the Maangamizi, Maatubuntujamaas, Sankofahomes and Maatubuntudunia in Ubuntudunia.


• Are instrumental in the development of Maatubuntumitawo - Global Afrikan Family Reunion International Council (Maatubuntumitawo - GAFRIC) by promoting glocal relation-building in association with Vazoba Afrika & Friends Networking Open Forum and Maatubuntumitawo - GAFRIC with indigenous Afrikan communities of resistance on the continent of Afrika. In this way contributing to the concretisation of Maatubuntujamaas in the UK and internationally in link with emerging Sankofahomes in West Afrika with a view to the eventual building of Maatubuntudunia in Ubuntudunia.


• Through PARCOE established an Afrikan Reparations research partnership working between grassroots scholar-activists and establishment scholars at the University of Boston and the University of Edinburgh - who came together to form the International Network of Scholars and Activists for Afrikan Reparations (INOSAAR) and its youth wing INOSAAR Rep-Afrika. We recommend you also download and read the INOSAAR Principles of Participation as a good model of how reparations activists should engage in co-production with power institutions.

• Supported the candidature of SMWeCGEC Kofi Mawuli Klu who championed programmatic aspects of the SMWeCGEC in his campaign as independent candidate in the 2019 European Parliamentary elections as part of the ‘CEE the Truth’ Campaign, (#CEEtheTruth). One of the 3 aims of #CEEtheTruth was to “develop National Citizens Assemblies on Climate & Ecological Justice to oversee policy making, including those of Planet Repairs embracing Reparations, and have a leading role in shaping a zero carbon Europe”.


• Worked with Green Party members to co-produce the ‘Atonement and Reparations for the United Kingdom’s Transatlantic Trafficking of Enslaved Africans’ motions now passed by Lambeth, Islington and Bristol City Council  and continues to work with Green Party members through the Green Action for Afrikan Reparations Dialogue (GAARD).


• Supported the development of the Glocal Reparations Plans of Alternative Progression known as Pempamsiempango’s in the UK, now emerging in London and Bristol (also being driven by the Afrikan ConneXions Consortium, ACC).


• Through PARCOE has established organisational links with the Ovaherero Genocide Foundation (Namibia), N’COBRA, the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (USA) and the UBAD Educational Foundation (Belize).


• Co-initiated the Glocal Afrikan Reparations Forum of London (GARFOL) to glocally promote Afrikan Heritage Community engagement with the British public and local and central government structures in London from the standpoint of enhancing efforts towards building Maatubuntujamaas in link with Sankofahomes as part of the building process of Maatubuntuman in Ubuntudunia.


• Established the Maangamizi Educational Trust (M.E.T) as the educational, training and other charitable activities conducive to fundraising arm of the SMWeCGEC.


• Through the M.E.T worked with Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP to establish the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Afrikan Reparations (APPGAR) as promoted in SMWeCGEC postcard campaign. Since the establishment of the APPGAR, the M.E.T shared the running of the secretariat with GARFOL and the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD).


• In order to develop autonomous Afrikan Heritage Community participation in the work of the APPGAR, the SMWeCGEC co-founded together with GARFOL, the APPGAR community link known as the APPGARL action-learning circles where Afrikan Heritage Communities learn to critically engage with state bodies and the UK Parliament as communities of resistance, e.g., the Education and Reparations Circle and the Mbuya Nehanda Afrikan Women & Reparations Circle.

• Supported the formation of the Global Majority Vs Campaign and leant to their legal case knowledge and expertise in advocacy and critical legal praxis, particularly in developing the extra-legal dimension of the case from a law as resistance perspective.

• Contributed to the development of the University of Repair co-initiated by Decolonising the Archive in partnership with Esther Stanford-Xosei (SMWeCGEC), Professor Gus John (Gus John Associates) and Professor Patricia Rodney (Walter Rodney Foundation).


• Co-initiated, the Extinction Rebellion Internationalist Solidarity Network (XRISN) and the Extinction Rebellion Being the Change Affinity Network (XR-BACN) as an organised way to work with non-Afrikan allies in championing Planet Repairs and PRIM-building. In addition, the XR-Ubuntunovisi (bridge network of Afrikan Heritage Community activists developing critical resistance engagement with Extinction Rebellion).

• Has been instrumental in co-founding and developing the Majority World Internationalist Solidarity Coordinating Council of Communities Of Resistance (MWISCCCOR) which currently embraces Afrikan and Abya Yalan Heritage (so-called Americas) community activist circles working within and around XR-Ubuntunovisi and XR-Aylhcan (Abya Yalan & Latinx Heritage Communities Affinity Network). 




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We hope you gain a fuller ovastanding about the purpose of the march, what we seek for our people and how you can get involved in the process.  Please share with your friends and get them to sign the petition on

Watch This Video to learn the Rationale for the Reparations March



The Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee formed in 2015 continues to build on work of the organisers of the first Reparations March RMUK and other supporting organisations on 1st August 2014 after such organisers decided that would be a one-off event. Various community members and their constituencies at the time insisted that they wanted to March to continue the efforts that had been made to more visably bring to public consciousness awareness of a Reparations Movement.

The 1st of August was originally chosen as the day of the Reparations March because it is the officially recognised ‘Emancipation Day’, marking the passing of the Act for the Abolition of slavery throughout the British Colonies; for promoting the industry of the manumitted slaves; and for compensating the persons hitherto entitled to the service of such slaves (also known as the Slavery Abolition Act) on 1 August 1833 and took effect 1 August 1834. The significance of this date in history is that it is the date that after all the years of resistance by chattelised Afrikans, torn away from our Motherland, Britain and its fellow European enslavers of Afrikan people were compelled to recognise that they could no longer continue to enslave us without severe consequences. It therefore represents a symbolic day recognising our refusal to accept enslavement, in every manner, including its present-day manifestations and to remind ourselves of the need for our true emancipation which will not occur without holistic Reparatory Justice.

Contrary to popular belief, however, the Slavery Abolition Act did not free Afrikans who were then unjustly considered to be the legal property of Britain’s enslaving class. In fact, the act contained a provision for £20 million financial compensation to the enslavers, by the British taxpayer, for the loss of their so-called “property”. That sum represented 40% of the total government expenditure for 1834, the modern equivalent of between £16bn and £17bn and represented the largest bailout in British history until the bailout of the banks in 2009. It was the British Houses of Parliament, which in this unjust piece of legislation, upheld the notion that the Afrikan enslaved and their descendants were not human, but property and determined that our people in the Caribbean were assessed as having a market value of £47 million.

The British Parliament also determined that enslaved Afrikans in British colonies would receive nothing. Instead they were forced, through the provision of this unjust law, to pay the remaining £27 million costs for their so-called emancipation by providing 45 hours of unpaid labour each week for their former ‘masters’, for a further four years after the passing of the Abolition Act. Clearly, the British state cemented this legalised form of injustice by forcing the enslaved to pay part of the costs for their legalised ‘manumission’. It was recently discovered that up until 2015 our people and other members of the British public were paying taxes which went into paying off the ‘debt’ that was incurred by the British Government as a result of compensating European enslavers with the passing of the Slavery Abolition Act.

Fast forward to the contemporary era, the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March has aims and are the reasons why we march on 1st August. Please visit to familiarise yourself with the aims.

The March is supposed to be a culmination of the work that people are engaged in all-year round on reparations which is represented in the messages and banners for the March and show of strength but unfortunately it is still seen as a one-day event with no attention paid to reparations/activism the other 364 days of the year. The 1st August allows us to tie in and reclaim a day popularly known and commemorated as ‘Emancipation Day’ and reclaim it as a ‘Reparations Day’ which enables our people also living in 'former British colonies ' to engage with it too.

Many former colonies have 1st August as a public holiday as granted by their governments, often on the basis of activists on the ground who feel it is importance to commemorate the struggles of our Ancestors for emancipation. The Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee (AEDRMC) is not advocating a state granted public holiday and feel there is more power in disruption in London to state agencies and the economy as well as the increase in visibility to international tourists during the holiday season. We do not advocate state recognition of a day where they will as they always do, redefine the narrative, hijack and take credit for the day!  Please note that the petition gets same response whether MPs are sitting or not. The disruption to London happens whether MPs are there or not! Please also note the Campaign partner of the March, the ‘Stop the Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide! Campaign’ has other campaign tools which it is utilising 365/24-7 and has developed tools and lobbying guidance that supporters can use ALL YEAR ROUND. So please let's focus on the wider picture of the milestones we seek (contained in the petition) and in this way recognise that MPs being in recess on 1st August is really not a big deal - for the above stated reasons. Let us now consider how we are going to move forward towards our goals through our own contributions to Reparatory Justice activism.

We in the AEDRMC emphasize that the March is not the whole Reparations Movement, but only an aspect of it in terms of a street protest that happens annually. it is important that other initiatives that other groups, organisations and individuals in the Afrikan Heritage Community are showcased on the 1st August as stipulated in one of the aims of the March; hence why we have chosen the theme STOP TERMINATING OUR PEOPLE: REDRESSING YOUTH MENTICIDE/ECOCIDE for this year’s theme.

The challenge is being put to our people to bring forth and promote the work they have been doing on reparations all year round. It is easy to see the inadequacies in what other people do but far more transformative when we ourselves focus on the change that we are making, individually and collectively.
The Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee. 

These are the panels of the informative flyer for the Reparations March on the 1st of August.

The Reparations March 2019 Flyer
You can download this flyer, print it and distribute it.
Reparations March Flyer 3 folds (Front) [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [6.1 MB]

Help us to fundraise for costs towards the march and campaign!


We need your support towards our aims & mission 


Please donate by clicking on this Link

My Support for The Reparations Campaign




Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings 2021 Flyer
You can download this flyer, print it and share it.
PanAfrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundi[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [7.0 MB]

The Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you who took part in the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations Rebellion Groundings on 1st Moziah (August) 2020, THE flagship event of the Afrikan heritage community supported by the Stop the Maangamizi Campaign. We would like to thank:


  • All those who marched
  • All those who volunteered on the day
  • The artists, the speakers, the stewards and the practitioners operating in the healing zone on Windrush Sq 
  • The UK regions who mobilised and attended
  • Our allies (local and International) with whom we have been working with throughout the year
  • All who donated money or items in kind
  • Our grassroots media who continue to profile our cause
  • The silent activists, workers and supporters 
  • And the Divine force of the Universe and the spirits of our Indomitable Ancestors whose shoulders we attempt to stand on.


We thank you all for contributing to this mass show of strength and determination- not just to the State but to each other as we commit to do all we can to STOP THE MAANGAMIZI!


Needless to say the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations Rebellion Groundings is an important day of disruption, protest, challenge and for us, a contribution to our education, awareness and self repair. BUT IT IS JUST ONE DAY! We must not lose momentum! We have another 364 days to progress the aims of the Stop the Maangamizi Campaign and other Reparatory Justice activities that we are all involved in.

Visits our websites to find out how you can contribute to our quest to secure holistic Reparations. Find out how you and your family can prepare to contribute to the demands within the Stop the Maangamizi We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Petition: 
And our You Tube Channel 'The Reparations March UK'
Twitter @uk_march and @stopmaangamizi

Once again; Asante Sana, Medase Pa, Tatenda, Modupe, Oyiwaladonnnnn (THANK YOU!!)


An International Call to Participate in the 1st Mosiah (August) Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March in Conjunction with the Stop the Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign (SMWeCGEC)





Please Support our Fundraising Campaign!

We need to raise hire costs for Windrush Sq, Public Liability Insurance, Mobility Transport for Elders, Health and Safety Equipment, Portaloos, Staging, Lost Children's Area and more!


You can contribute via or see our bank details in the photo on your left. A full budget of what is needed is available on the GofundMe site. Click here to donate!


Thank you!


Check it out, subscribe and leave your comments! 


(at Parliament Sq)

Debate Topic at Parliament Square:


Come and have your say! Frame your arguments for OR against the motion! Stop hiding behind WhatsApp!!

The Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March
Stop the Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide

***********************POPSAR - will be 3pm at Parliament Sq on 1st August************************

Show of Strength

Book your day off!!

 Parliamentary Session

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