Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings
Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings 

Our Structure

The Reparations March Committee co-ordinates not only the annual march to Downing street, but also coordinates a national network of outreach teams (GREOTS - Grassroots Reparations Outreach Teams), regional mobilisers, banner making workshops, reparations awareness workshops and fundraising events.  We have a number of task groups built around our organising needs as well as Bloc co-ordinators for the 9 blocs that we will be marching in.  The Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee is partnered with the Stop the Maangamizi Campaign as the UK and Europe's biggest and most visible contribution to the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR).

International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR)

It is important to emphasise here:





Too many of us are looking to a single action, organisation or leading individual to be the answer to the plethora of problems we face collectively.  The reality is historically and now, this has and never will be the case. This is why it is important to ovastand what the IInternational Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) is and how the March and the Stop The Maangamizi (STM) campaign fits into it.


The ISMAR is made up of different individuals, groups, organisations, campaigns and strategies, all working towards reparatory justice. The ISMAR is global, grass roots, people led and has many aspects to it, often refered to as pillars or columns. Imagine these colums are foundations and routes towards securing holistic reparations.  So for example you have the street column, the student column, the academic column, the economic column, and the political column.  The March being a massive mobilisation  and show of strength of grassroots people, forms part of the street column. Partnered with the STM campaign, a grassroots led political dimension is added and identified specific outcomes are sought through its aims and campaign tools.  Firstly the STM Campaign aims to:

  1. Increase recognition of and educate people about the Maangamizi, its causes, contemporary manifestations and consequences;
  2. Gather evidence of the continuing impact of the Maangamizi as part of the process towards establishing the All Party-Parliamentary Commissions of Inquiry for Truth & Reparatory Justice at the levels of the Westminster Houses of Parliament and the European Parliament as well as the Ubuntukgotla Peoples International Tribunal for Global Justice;
  3. Mobilise petition signers/supporters to organise as a community of advocates for ‘Stopping the Maangamizi’ as a force within the International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations, (ISMAR);
  4. Catalyse the development of such a force into an integral part of the Peoples Reparations International Movement  (PRIM) to ‘Stop the Maangamizi’, prevent its recurrence as well as effect and secure measures of reparatory justice from the ground-up;
  5. Utilise the process of mobilising towards the 1st August Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March to amplify the voices of communities of reparatory justice interest who are engaged in resistance to the various manifestations of the Maangamizi today.

The Stop the Maangamizi Campaign is a political lobbying, influencing and agitation tool seeking specific goals outlined in the Stop the Maangamizi We charge Genocide/Ecocide Petition on The Petition is a Europe wide petition that will be submitted to the UK and EU Parliaments.It has also been translated iinto other popular European languages, ie French and Spanish.

The petition is just one of the campaign tools seeking to Stop the Maangamizi, whilst being utilised to educate, inform and gather support for the campaign aims, Another tool is the STM postcard campaign which individuals can use to lobby their MPS around the demands of the petition. Other strategies  are less public for obvious reasons. The march, of couse is a tactic of protest, system disruption and political agitation as well as being a mass movement building and conscentising tool.


So this is how the March together with the STM campaign contributes to a much bigger ISMAR where activity on Mama Afrika, North America, Europe and South America are in different ways moving towards this reparatory justice destination.  Organisation such as N'COBRA in the US, ENGOCCAR in Europe, PARCOE in the UK and Europe and VAZOBA in West Afrika are just a few of the key organisations making their contribution.


Ultimately the goal is to secure achieve and take HOLISTIC reparations as defined by the five:

Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law


Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 60/147 of 16 December 2005


1. Restitution should, whenever possible, restore the victim to the original situation before the gross violations of international human rights law or serious violations of international humanitarian law occurred. Restitution includes, as appropriate: restoration of liberty, enjoyment of human rights, identity, family life and citizenship, return to one’s place of residence, restoration of employment and return of property.

2. Compensation should be provided for any economically assessable damage, as appropriate and proportional to the gravity of the violation and the circumstances of each case, resulting from gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law, such as:

(a) Physical or mental harm;

(b) Lost opportunities, including employment, education and social benefits;

(c) Material damages and loss of earnings, including loss of earning potential;

(d) Moral damage;

(e) Costs required for legal or expert assistance, medicine and medical services, and psychological and social services.

3. Rehabilitation should include medical and psychological care as well as legal and social services.

4. Satisfaction should include, where applicable, any or all of the following:

(a) Effective measures aimed at the cessation of continuing violations;

(b) Verification of the facts and full and public disclosure of the truth to the extent that such disclosure does not cause further harm or threaten the safety and interests of the victim, the victim’s relatives, witnesses, or persons who have intervened to assist the victim or prevent the occurrence of further violations;

(c) The search for the whereabouts of the disappeared, for the identities of the children abducted, and for the bodies of those killed, and assistance in the recovery, identification and reburial of the bodies in accordance with the expressed or presumed wish of the victims, or the cultural practices of the families and communities;

(d) An official declaration or a judicial decision restoring the dignity, the reputation and the rights of the victim and of persons closely connected with the victim;

(e) Public apology, including acknowledgement of the facts and acceptance of responsibility;

(f) Judicial and administrative sanctions against persons liable for the violations;

(g) Commemorations and tributes to the victims;

(h) Inclusion of an accurate account of the violations that occurred in international human rights law and international humanitarian law training and in educational material at all levels.

5. Guarantees of non-repetition should include, where applicable, any or all of the following measures, which will also contribute to prevention:

(a) Ensuring effective civilian control of military and security forces;

(b) Ensuring that all civilian and military proceedings abide by international standards of due process, fairness and impartiality;

(c) Strengthening the independence of the judiciary;

(d) Protecting persons in the legal, medical and health-care professions, the media and other related professions, and human rights defenders;

(e) Providing, on a priority and continued basis, human rights and international humanitarian law education to all sectors of society and training for law enforcement officials as well as military and security forces;

(f) Promoting the observance of codes of conduct and ethical norms, in particular international standards, by public servants, including law enforcement, correctional, media, medical, psychological, social service and military personnel, as well as by economic enterprises;

(g) Promoting mechanisms for preventing and monitoring social conflicts and their resolution;

(h) Reviewing and reforming laws contributing to or allowing gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law.

We hope this gives a comprehensive overview of what we seek, what we are and what we are not! To secure reparations we must keep learning, keep up the pressure, make sacriices and take risk, fist pumping, sloganeering and operating in silos not challenging the establishment will not yield us anything! Time to get busy! 


Next steps:

Read and re-read the Petition

Sign the petition and get another 50 people to read and sign it

Mobilise people to join the March

Begin to prepare yourself to take on the government via the Commission of Inquiry explained within the petition

Keep learning, keep growing, don't get weary! This is an intergenerational quest!!








Get Involved! Contact us!

Please call us on 0044 7922035446 or use our contact form.

How you can support the Reparations March and The Stop The Maangamizi Campaign.
This form contains 20 areas were you can make a contribution to the Reparations March and Stop The Maangamizi Campaign. You can download this form, fill it out and email it to us at or call Tel: 07922 035 446/ 07957 592 889 for information on where you can drop off the completed form. Your contribution is vital in the struggle for Reparations. It is your duty to demand and take justice for your ancestors and your future generations. You can learn more about how you can take action by following this link:
What Can You Contribute Form.pdf
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