We the Undersigned Make the Following Heartfelt Declaration:
• The immoral, inhuman and degrading treatment inflicted on Afrikans by the institutionalisation of the Yurugu thought and behaviour of European elites has never been addressed;
• The intergenerational white supremacist racist mind-set which fueled the Transatlantic Traffic in Enslaved Afrikans (TTEA), Maangamizi (Hellacaust of chattel, colonial and neo-colonial enslavement) from the 15th century to the present day has not been terminated;
• The lack of accountability by those responsible confirms the ongoing, Global Apartheid, Anti-Black and Afriphobic racism which creates disproportionate detriment to the offspring of the millions of men, women and children that were stolen from Afrika;
• Today the offspring of the stolen Afrikans encounter direct and indirect racial discrimination daily. This results in impoverishment, lack of education, unemployment, imprisonment and ill health;
• The damage that continues to be done to Afrika; which threatens our very survival and compromises our future, also needs to be addressed in a structured and effective manner;
• The blood, sweat and tears of our Ancestors financed the economic expansion of the United Kingdom. Therefore it is just and fair that reparations be made to their offspring including measures of restitution, compensation, rehabilitation satisfaction, guarantees of non-repetition according to the tenets of international human, humanitarian and people’s rights law;
• Voluntary Rematriation/Repatriation to our Motherland Afrika, as a specific measure of restitution, should be a viable option for any Descendant of Afrikans captured, enslaved exploited by white supremacist power, its state bodies and various other institutions, corporations and agencies such as the Royal African Company, Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations (UK) and their European counterparts;
• The immoral and illegal acts inflicted on Afrikans against their will cannot all be undone. However, the perpetrators, their descendants and all other beneficiaries, ought to be compelled to address the harm that has resulted from these actions;
• Now is the time for the victims of these inhumane atrocities to demand, effect and secure holistic, adequate, comprehensive and intersectional reparations for the wrongs that continue to be inflicted on Afrika, Afrikans on the Continent and in the Diaspora.
We Petition to Reaffirm That:
Whereas we, the undersigned, recognise the continued, internal occupation, colonisation, destabilisation, terrorisation and oppression of Afrikan heritage communities, the proliferation of guns, the distribution and sale of drugs and the resultant Black on Black self-annihilation has reached epidemic proportions, causing harm to Afrikan heritage communities within and beyond the United Kingdom; prolonging the (Maangamizi) against Afrikan people all over the world; We recognise this harm can only be described as acts of Genocide/Ecocide by the State through its agencies of the police, armed forces, security and intelligence agencies and other organised as well as unorganised manifestations of structural, systemic and institutionalised racism of the white supremacist order of Global Apartheid.
Genocide as defined in Article II of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted on December 9, 1948 explains that: "genocide
means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily
harm or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to prevent births within the group; and forcibly transferring children of the group to
another group."
Ecocide as defined by Polly Higgins in a 2010 submission to the UN Law Commission is: "the
extensive loss or damage or destruction of ecosystem(s) of a given territory,whether by human agency or by other causes, to such an extent that peaceful enjoyment by the inhabitants of that territory
has been or will be severely diminished." According to 'Ecocide Law', ecocide is therefore a crime against the Earth itself, not just against humans. It covers the direct damage caused to the
Earth’s land, sea and river systems, the flora and fauna within the affected ecosystems, as well the resultant impact on the climate. However, the harm of ecocide is not always just environmental; it
can be cultural, spiritual and emotional as well and affect communities at a deep level, especially when their way of life is profoundly and/or practically connected to the affected ecosystem.
In addition to the acts of Genocide/Ecocide perpetuated through various instruments of the British State and its European superstate; acts of Genocide/Ecocide can also be attributed to the British Government’s misuse of resources extorted through taxes from people in the United Kingdom and Afrikan people’s stolen legacy plundered from Afrika and other peoples, communities and nations subjugated to the oppression and exploitation of the British Empire and European Imperialism.
This is evidenced by the following: The (1) dismemberment of Afrikan People’s sovereign peoplehood, in familyhood with our kith and kin in other Afrikan heritage communities throughout the continent and Diaspora of Afrika (2) enduring legacy of epistemic, physical, structural and racial violence, including reproductive and sexual violence against women, children (also in some instances men) and the totality of all that we see as Maangamizi violence; (3) denial of Black and Afrikan ‘Mother Earth’ (Nana Asase Yaa), human and peoples’ rights to national self-determination as an oppressed People; (4) expanding health/medical, prison, psychiatric, economic, development, academic and military industrial complexes, which are making political prisoners of increasing numbers of Afrikan people in their diverse ways of engaging in resistance to the Maangamizi; ( 5) brutality by police and security agents including deaths in custody; (6) unemployment and mal-employment; (7) mentacide of Afrikan heritage youth and adults through the state mis-education system; (8) racist immigration patrols and policies (9) extractive industries, abuse of our natural resources, free trade agreements and privatisation schemes, including private finance initiatives (PFI’s), public-private partnerships (PPP’s), and Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA’s) of the European Union (EU) being forced on Afrikan, Caribbean & Pacific countries; (10) weaponization of pandemics, proliferation of HIV/Aids, ebola and other bioweapons of mass destruction (11) denial of genomic, food and seed sovereignty by enforcing GMO products resulting in nutricide (12) crimes against humanity inherent in the wars of aggression and proxy wars committed against Afrikan and other Majority World Peoples.
The results of these conduits of power disparities and inhumane public policies and practices continue to cause devastation to Afrikan heritage communities within and beyond Britain. Out of these have also arisen impoverishment, cognitive and environmental injustice, ignorance and anti-Black racism, including its specific form Afriphobia continue to be perpetuated; resulting in the destruction of generations after generations of people of Afrikan heritage, all amounting to geno/ecocidal Crimes Against Humanity for which we demand reparations, including voluntary Rematriation/Repatriation as a matter of reparatory justice.
According to the United Nations Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to A Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law an essential aspect of reparations include, among other measures: investigation of the facts, official acknowledgement and apology, receipt of answers; an opportunity for victims to speak in a public forum about his/her experiences and to have active involvement in the reparative process. We as members of the Afrikan Heritage Community (AHC); rejecting forced assimilation and seeking forms of national autonomy and self-determination, therefore advocate the need for honest dialogue between legitimate representatives of Afrikan heritage communities, the British Government, Parliament and other interested state and non-state bodies within and beyond the UK, on how best to redress the harmful legacies of enslavement.
We urge that this dialogue takes place by establishing an All-Party Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry for Truth & Reparatory Justice (APPCITARJ) to: acknowledge the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of the imposition of The Maangamizi (Afrikan Hellacaust of chattel, colonial and neocolonial enslavement) within and beyond the British Empire; examine subsequent de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against Afrikans and people of Afrikan descent; examine the impact of these forces on living Afrikans and Afrikan descendant communities, as well as all other peoples; make recommendations to Parliament and similar bodies at local, national and international levels, including the European Parliament, and; determine appropriate methods of dissemination of findings to the public within and beyond Britain for consultation about proposals for redress, repairs and for other purposes.
We call upon the UK Government to live up to its declarations of commitment to global respect for universal human rights, good governance and democracy in acknowledging and addressing the social and economic legacies of enslavement on contemporary generations of Afrikans and people of Afrikan heritage. We believe that establishing the All-Party Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry for Truth & Reparatory Justice will go a long way towards institutionalising a reparative truth-seeking process that will contribute to healing and restoring the descendants of the enslaved and facilitating racial justice and equity between the descendants of the enslaved and the enslavers as well as in the wider society. However, such “repair” of the relationship between people of Afrikan heritage and the rest of society cannot take place without public acknowledgement of the crimes against Afrikan people and their descendants over five centuries and counting, and without UK governmental action to enable redress and reparation for the brutal injustices committed in the past which still continues into the present. We call upon the British state to honour the need and right of the descendants of the enslaved to speak in a public forum, provide testimony and evidence of how the legacies of enslavement are resulting in continued human and peoples’ rights violations, impaired quality of life and the ensuing destruction of the essential foundations of life for Afrikan people today.
On every 1st August, collections of this petition will be submitted to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II through the Prime Minister’s Office of Her Majesty’s Government of 10 Downing Street, London.
The petition will also galvanise grassroots work towards establishing glocal sittings of the Ubuntukgotla - Peoples International Tribunal for Global Justice (PITGJ) as part of a series of actions which will put a full stop, by way of holistic and transformative reparations, to all acts of Genocide/Ecocide against Afrikan people.