This is a slide show of promotional material of the Annual Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March/Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings that takes place on 1st of Mosiah (August)
Since 2020, we have occupied 2 spaces in Brixton (Max Roach Park and Windrush Square), in order to ground with our people and facilitate a place for allies that our campaign partner, the Stop the Maangamizi! We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign (SMWeCGEC) have been working with over the years. Max Roach Park also provides space for showcasing international solidarity networks that structures aligned with SMWECGEC have been working with across 4 continents: Abya Yala (the Americas, Asia, Europe and Afrika).
Please see the programme below for both locations (subject to change and all times approximate)
Max Roach Park 10am-3pm
Internationalist Solidarity Showcase - Elevating the voices of those involved in the international Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) across the world and those involved in the Peoples Reparations International Movement (PRIM) that express solidarity with the ISMAR.
Sankofaagro - Youth showcase of music and word sounds of resistance
3pm - 3 minutes silence in reverence to our Indomitable Ancestors of great courage, intellect and tenacity
3.15 - 4.15 March from Max Roach Park to Windrush Square
Windrush Square 2-8pm
Theme for this stage: 'Building a Repaired Nation: Maatubuntuman in Ubuntudunia - What Afrika and Her Diaspora needs to do to secure Global Planet Repairs'
1 - 2.30pm
The University of Repair in association with SMWeCGEC, the AEDRMC and GARFOL hosted by the Black Cultural Archive presents:
'A Masterclass on The Meaning of Economic Repairs for ISMAR-Building'
Venue: Black Cultural Archive, Windrush Sq (limited places)
Opening Libation and Invocations
Opening Remarks - Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee
Edutainment: Songs and Messages of Resistance
3 minutes silence in reverence to our beloved Ancestors
Independent Afrikan Schools Showcase on the stage theme
The Youth Debate: Building a Repaired Nation -
What does Afrika and Her Diaspora Need to do to Secure Global Planet Repairs and How Long do we Have?
Facilitated by Bro Kobina Amokwondoh
(Audience decides the debate winner)
Sankofaagro - Internationalist showcase of music and word sounds of resistance
Glocal Afrikan Reparations Forum of London (GARFOL)
Stop the Maangamizi Campaign
Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee
Solidarity Messages and Showcasing from UK based Organisations, Politicians and Activists
8.00 Closing Remarks - Our Immediate and long terms tasks
Closing Libation
Please call us on +44 7922035446 or email
After The March, What Next? Click on this link to read more about what you can do after the Global Afrikan Reparations March: